Welcome to my gallery!(WIP)

[Watch out for disturbing & mature themes & visuals!]




A small brown ceramic model of a house. The roof is steep & diamond-patterned, & the central room is open to reveal people sitting in a circle. Stairs descend from this floor to a small area with another sitting figure on the left, and two other figures are sitting to the right of the main room.
"House Model with Ritual Feast" - unknown Nayarit artist, Mexico (100 BCE - 300 CE)
painting with solid black background of a male figure with long grey hair chrouching, clutching a smaller body while biting off its left arm. the smaller body is without a head or right arm. the male figure has wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
"Saturn Devouring His Son" - Francisco Goya (1820s) | One of his 14 "Black Paintings", Goya painted this work directly on the walls of his house. These works were discovered after his death, never officially titled, leaving the piece's true intentions up to the imagination.
Painting of a woman embracing a man, his head on her chest, both wearing black in a dim room. The woman's blood-red hair is draped over the man. Their faces are mostly obscured. The figures cast a shadow on the wall behind them.
"Vampire" ("Love and Pain") - Edvard Munch (1893)
Painting of a sunset or sunrise on a rocky shore. The sun beams spread across the painting in orange & yellow lines, with some blue streaks; the corners are more shadowy.
"The Sun" - Edvard Munch (1909)
A crumpled-up painting depicting a few 18th century white men, with a canvas framing the not-crumpled image of a young Black child, whose eyes meet the viewer's.
"Enough About You" - Titus Kaphar (2016) | This work is a replication(?) and re-interpretation of an 18th century painting of Elihu Yale, the university's namesake, with his family, plus a young enslaved child in the corner, almost in the shadows. Kaphar not only changes the center of focus to this Black child forgotten by history--he also reworks the portrait: removing the child's silver collar, adding depth & highlights to the skin, and moving the child's gaze to look out at the audience. I just think that's really neat idk.